Released dec 15, 2015 on PS4, Xbox One and PC
Developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, France
Senior Level & Quest Designer during 12 months (nov 2014-nov 2015)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Jack The Ripper is a DLC loosely based on the notorious crimes committed by the well-known serial killer in the Whitechapel area of London in 1888.

My work
Design owner of the missions #2 (The Unfortunates) and #3 (The Lady Talks aka. The Manor):

  • Narrative design: Created the overall narrative structure, work with the writers and supervised the dialogues.
  • Cinematic supervising: Work with the cinematic team and supervising storyboards to have seamless transitions between cinematic and gameplay.
  • Level design: Created the complete layout for one of the two new locations made especially for the DLC: An english manor with its gardens. Analyzed the English architecture for realism purposes. Respect of the gameplay metrics for the best user experience.
  • Quest design: Script the entire non-linear quest from start to end, script all steps using a powerful nodal tool.
  • Sound design: Work with the sound designer to set up the atmosphere wanted by the Creative Director.

Also helped the team in many ways:
  • Helped designing the "Fear System" with game designers and gameplay programmers by giving constant feedbacks and making test maps.
  • Created benchmarks tutorials (guidelines, scripting) for all the DLC tutorials.
  • Design followed-up on the main game (AC Syndicate) design changes and communication to the Montpellier team. Especially on the "black box" maps.
  • Defined guidelines and best practices on lots of level design elements (scripting, guard station set up, ...)
  • Wrote a detailed post mortem at the end of production
  • Also helped on debugging the main game (AC Syndicate).
