Articles with "Red Steel 2" tag

Tutorials works better in video

Recently I've bought Super Mario Galaxy 2 (incredible game!) and I was surprised to see that the game was sold with an "How to play" DVD. It explains all the basics the new player need to know and some advanced technics.
This DVD reminds me a thought I had about the fact that watching a tutorial can be better than playing it. Why? I'll try to explain.

Red Steel 2 Exclusive Pre-Order Pack

A quick look at the Red Steel 2 Pre-order Pack. Bullet and artworks at the menu!

Red Steel 2 figurine

The Ubi marketing departement have asked to make a figurine about the Red Steel 2 main character. Quick shots just for you!

Ubi TV Show #6: Red Steel 2

For this E3 Ubisoft has released some kind of TV Shows about its lineup with interviews of developers, trailers and ingame demo. The TV Show #6 is about Red Steel 2 and you can see Jason Vandenberghe, Crative Director, Roman Campos-Oriola, Lead Game Designer, and Stephane Bachelet, Art Director, talking about the game.

Red Steel 2 on

The marketing campaign is on the way with a redesign of the homepage.

E3 2009: Red Steel 2 Booth

Red Steel 2 is at E3! Here are some pictures of the booth.